Thursday, December 23, 2021
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Thursday, September 23, 2021
Saturday, September 18, 2021
The Promethean The Knowledge 2
The Knowledge 2
1.Can you explain where does the nephilim giants and the fallen angels come from.
**This ties into the Solar Cult belief system , directly tied into the solar said entities that represent , also Persian and mithraic religion...temple or cults of Persia believed that the giants, were related to those who came before us...must be seen as a representation. The Second Creation that we are currently transverse through has many smaller layers of creation within it, that would mean many many species of many aeons ago , has existed prior to the present time. That would mean that also the subtler energy forms such as animal spirits, faeries etc, all forming the exo and ecosystem of a natural habitat....Aetheric Eco system of this reality is subtle.
To understand the word Angel , one must see the meaning of the word, : Angel derives from the Greek angelos, a translation of a Hebrew word meaning "messenger." Angels are considered the lowest of the nine orders in Christian celestial hierarchy and also appear in Islamic and Judaic tradition.
Therefore a fallen Angel is a message that has descended or failed or that you have misunderstood the message...A fallen angel must be understood as a descended emanation of light or "thought".
If this element has a life form in itself, it would mean that it is a representation of what the beliefs are in the teaching in religion...
the word Religion means to bind oneself in to the belief of a divine power and a desire to please be found in this link
The concept of All "Religion" is meant to be seen as examples or aid to learn from but not give in to its power to control you and redirect you away from your inner Knowledge, the inner sanctum or temple where Great Spirit resides..."the kingdom of heaven is within you..." within this reality but do not worship it or give it power to control freely within this realm, but do not allow it to sway you from your inner sanctuary...this does not mean that you are not allowed to earn a means please do what you must to live...but to never give up the first born right...or awareness that you have an Infinite Conscious Spirit within you and that this is a fingerprint of part of the greater spirit or Great Spirit...
remember that it is your choice to believe in something outside of yourself, this material or the foundation to this Knowledge suggests that to bind one into the belief that is material will redirect you away from your Higher Self...or Spirit...
Materia is tangible and represents all the influences that is being impressed or cast into it...
Materia must be witnessed as proof of the presence of the influence of Great spirit in all things...there is thus no greater power than that which is within savior to come and be the middle man for you to your Higher Self...
The Priesthood of the void or the Ministery of Magick...the Order of the Black sun...that means , all that is once visible to you can be inverted to hide things from you, such as many smart high up men with negative intentions to redirect you and to sway you from yourself...worship the power of the Materia...this is called not forget that the power of the First Creation lies in their fixation of the your power and to use it in the Void...which means they have learnt to study and observe and practice for a lot longer than perhaps you have...but the moment you are aware of who you are , that means your inner knowledge...of Spirit...the spell to blind you will fall away...once you do not depend on the power of the Second Creation but to rather invest with energy into the Third Creation...
Remember that all the physical things that are happening in this world as we speak and observe are all creations... they are all made through intention...
the flip side of the Ministery of Magick is us...members in particular...need i say more....
Their Priesthood is also called the ones who practice Babylonian and Mesopotamian magick or as said the Order of the Black sun. The Black Sun is also inherent from the Order of Cain and his bloodline, the bunch that lives in the void...This Priesthood wants to supplant the awareness of this Sacred knowledge
The Priesthood worships and uses the philosophy of Materialism ,beliefs in eugenics, Satanism, as the inversion of Judgement...remember Satan is an archetype of Judgment only...the belief that it is a boogey-man that can create damage for you is what they want you to give it...this is called an egregore...
And egregore is to give life and personality to an in animated object or archetypal belief giving your car a personality...for example
the reality outside of us, this physical manifested reality is an energy was founded to be the fabric of Creation in itself, sweet and natural and organic as Mother nature herself...
This was found to be Perfect, but not ever to have been worshiped...
Once man came to understood that they can manipulate materia...for their own gains...that eradicate the natural laws of the universe...or the comsmogenesis...
things it means we place ourselves in that place of subjected reality...Our intention is to become our self..
An angel when one thinks of an angel it is a representation of a messenger...What happens when you listen to something very important and you become lose the message of the material that you were listening the same way To descend means that the light of Creation drops when there is no focus on it...when there is no understanding ...
2.Can the coming of Christ be a very old story where previous nations had contact with higher dimensional beings and naming them God?
**The Coming of "Christ" as an archetype of light in itself is an external belief , which means again that one can not feel the connection to the inner light in other words, always look for the outside ...external, it comes from the story of the original solar deities,the ones that live outside or visible .
the original story of horus is reflected as the Christ...if there is a drive to push this archetypal reference it is to overthrow the archetypal birthing of the third Creation....that we are fixing to enter in...they want to push this element also...but will push heavily elements from Egyptian theology.
3. What or who was the light being that spoke to Amschel Rothschild *this angel of light is in reference to the first light that comes within the first thought of inspiration, this light is angelic presence as it was refereed to the first light when you think and seek at the lowest point in your life is directly tied to the angel of Lucifer however remember light also means lux...Lucifer has a dark side also, so is light , in its darker capacity, when it is used for nefarious purposes...or for materialism...i will explain later...
4. Many tribes and nations have drawings of space ships ext.
If we had previous lives why can't we remember them. **If your question is to ask if there are other other space brothers outside in the universe, this is correct, however it must be seen and reviewed how information can also be interpreted ...does this information coming to you , feel alien to you or is a matter of your perception...this does not mean that extra terrestrial being do not exist...they do...they are in the same way as us, all interlinked...the human specie was transplanted into this reality to play the story out...
5. How did our spirits come into existence.**By the Sacred Breath of the first thought made into an intention of Creation...the Spark of light is the first internal thought made into expression...
6. I would think "we evolved on earth as flesh first and then spirit". **ON the contrary, if flesh was first, than there would be material world to be content with, given how the world is , observation shows you that there is a definitive group who are not content with how earth is as is...and there would be no progress to be made.
Flesh becomes malleable once Spirit enters its domain...not the other way around..If Flesh existed before Spirit, there would be no challenge other than death to remove one out of the equation...there would also not be a drive to secure a new world order in a negative anti life process...
Also what force or universal program is responsible for our spirit to find new flesh after death.**Your Will is the force that seeks a new life..your Will is the blue print for the Will of Great Spirit...its proof of existence can be found in the universal laws and Cosmic Laws of Knowledge that what one thinks and speaks becomes made manifested...action is the undeniable proof of that.
7. Do ghosts exist? **Ghost is a Spirit without its soul and human form ...yes we exist long after we pass on and shed our flesh...
8. Is astral traveling real. If so what is it used for and is it dangerous?
**Astral travel exists, and it is not safe if you are not prepared for how the techniques work that would mean , first before you climb into a new car, you learn to understand how it operates....common sense is advised...:)
9. Who are the 144,000?
The 144,000 are the individual points or energy points of which Great Spirit consists out of...which means that the knowledge of their existence does exist, only that they are never all at the same time present in every timeline or life time that exists...imagine you would see a golf ball , the dimples of this golf ball each represents a point of light or energy of which is the embodiment of Great other words, the first Thoughts of Great Spirit...the golf
10. Have you ever heard of Eschatology, the William W. Walter method? It also deals with thinking, good thoughts and actualizing with the goal of transfiguration from this plane/reality as opposed to death. Would it be just another false faith based religion?
*Good Question, from what i know about Eschatology, it is in reference to that which is believed happens to the soul, in the death aspect of life...or the End times..Every day is an end time when you give up the belief that your soul goes to be judged...when you change that belief from knowing that the Spirit is not the Soul and that the Soul is in actuality a temporary wanderer...or the anima mundi, which means earth dweller...quote: "a vital force or principle conceived of as permeating the world — compare archeus, world soul"
11. how do you create a reality for your family when you can not buy or sell anymore. That takes away your entire chance of survival in a world of walls and borders where you can not go and live in nature to survive. I hope this brings new challenges and questions to mind because progress are not born in comfort. (Refer to the video)
12. why has the Knowledge been hidden from humanity...?
The ministery of Magic has infiltrated the institutions of human existence because they are the first born void first creation is not possible to built a house without being aware of the subtle energy in the foundation....therefore this is why the third Creation is a deeply needed element to bring into being...or to be birthed...
at this moment they hold the general mindset captured within the human a a subconscious and conscious state...of slavery...subconscious control starts in the mind...when there is duality..that would mean the Left and the right brain...mind over spirit...the masculine left and the feminine right is intuition and spirit...
those who lead the pack and the pack ...authoritarians Vs followers..etc...True Mind control captures these polarities...individually and opposes one and blue , is always going to re initiate the mind control...your respond to these programs will place you in either the left dominant or right dominant...already...
13. how is reality built...
knowledge or lack 1. - available information
understanding or lack - decision making, mental choice,
wisdom or lack - human behavior
generated results order or chaos -manifested reality , those who bring out the hidden knowledge are here on this channel...demystifying the Sacred Knowledge...knowledge is not hidden , it is a knowing ...if you are not aware of knowledge, than you are unaware of what your Truth is...symbology of the global propaganda , we dont have to look very far to see how they use sacred geometry to enslave your mind to feel you want to identify with what you buy at a shop....which is another form of mind control...the subtler influences , we can look at these archetypal symbols...and explain what they mean ...the fallen is not fallen , but descended....
14. How as creators should we focus on finances? Is this something we even want or need in the third creation? Is this why there's so many pressure words being said to buy silver or gold? as well as putting "faith" in a supposed quantum banking?
The system, It feels like a psyop to me creating a saviour program. When we go inside and create?
I am so used to the finances of this reality, is there a transition out of? What is your take on this?
** (see video for more in depth explanation)
Materialism is and ever shall be blind to the Spirit of Knowledge
the first sense of thought is the First order of Creation...orders
All universal energy is reflection of the cosmic science...
A spirited psychology cosmology, comprehend this and you know the cosmos or womb of Great spirit
15. I notice you ref some verses from the Bible. I still struggle to understand how this sorcery is so in twine with the Bible. It's almost as if the Bible was watered down so much to hide the real truth.How is it that Bible scholars really speak with passion and ref Hebrew numbers from verses to proof the authentication of the word. When they say that the Bible was written with inspiration from the holy ghost. One might believe is because it's so well thought out.
I really thought Atlantis was a myth. I struggle with what the crystallized tech was and how it worked. How long ago was this.Do you think knowledge from that creation was saved till now but hidden from us? What level from 1 to 6 would you put on what you are sharing with us. Would all this classify as level 6. Just interesting to know if there is more to know.
Sunday, September 12, 2021
The Promethean : The Knowledge Series l
The Knowledge series 1
Question and Answers series
I will be adding the questions from you as the viewer here and answer them accordingly
i do feel this may than be needed for future will play with the idea...
before you look at what you are questioning , the first part of this exercise shows that you have to change the way you other words, what you see must always be seen as an iceberg....
there is always more at the bottom than what you see on the top...everything you see is like an iceberg...this planet is designed like that...nothing is ever just what it seems ...knowledge is also everywhere in all that you see, it just depends on how you look and what you deduct from what you feel first , as you look...this is called perception...
Who or WHAT are we against. i call them the ministry of magick...with a k...(the k represents chaos)they display themselves in every possible way that is secretive, they operate in the universal term called the OCCULT...the Occult means hidden...the word occult is merely a word for an action to hide wisdom or knowledge..therefore the Illuminati and the masons are merely that which you see as visible and hidden...two sides of the story...light and void...not dark...dark is merely a word that refers to what you dont know yet...the term light workers or love and light is part of their agenda, this is called new age...another front for the NWO...NWO is thus the action to what is hidden or in secret using the natural laws of the universe, common law, truth,, life, love, family, children, everything that represents humanity and spirit...
Why do THEY want to destroy the human race.**because they come from the void...the first creation, once upon a time, the universe was created in parts, this is called the first creation...the void is known as the living soul paradigm...or belief...when the Creator created them , they were made in the void...but once they were made, they were also the first Adam or Cain., they did not inherit the spirit such as was found in the second creation, (when you are heart focused, you have a direct connection between your soul and your spirit through your heart) this is called life giving souls...Abel...
therefore the world as you know it , the planet, is built in layers or a multilayered cake...not flat...oval like an egg...slice it in slices...horizontally...the living souls or them do not like the ones who are life-giving , because they perceived that The Creator or Great Spirit had turned its back on them. they are souls with spirit and soul and heart in tact can create.they can not...why did Cain kill Abel....Abel's blooked spoke from the have blood speak is to have spirit as fire in the blood...this is beyond any religion ...
Who is Satan. Satan is a belief archetype or personality , like you would give a car, and it is used to usher judgment over all a planet name, such as mercury for example...this is called an egregore...if something non living is given a name it can become a living idol...
Who is YAHWEH.** another archetype, something that is related to belief systems, what people believe in.
Do we have superhuman powers that we don't know off. ** Yes we do , when you are aware that you have a direct connection to your spirit and your soul through your heart, you are able to create as you exist ...To Create is part of your legacy...the living souls seek this legacy, even if they can clone it or make it into a robot...they want it...
Are we from this planet.**you are from many planets all resting in this planet...this planet is one of many...
If not why are we here**you are here because you chose to come to learn to understand that you can create... what had happened in the first creation and the second will lead to the third creation as we speak...which is why there is such a war now...there is war to usher in a third creation which is meant to be the quest for what we must create, we must supplant or overrule the first supplant meant to build over an old ground...a new house..
And if we are here and some bad force are against us where is the good force. **The "good" force is in all life-giving souls, those who are tied to their Spirit...Spirit is an individual form of energy or light source, which radiates constantly..that inner voice that tells you dont walk there or do this , and you know you just made it in time...that voice is the voice of your Higher Self or Spirit...Many spirits individually are forming a bigger form of spirit called Great Spirit or Supreme force...Creator , not source or source can be any kind if Source..therefore reference is Great spirit which is non religion, non denomination , not is only good if you do good..good mus not be a belief but a knowing...not faith , not belief, these are all future speak, but knowing , being it and it in we speak ..
How did we become this helpless race.**Because humanity first fundamental flaw was to give away their first born right for a pot of stew...simple example shows that the first born right is to learn to Create... dont look at the bible in the same way anymore, it is a historical book of time lines of what is referenced in the present...
Is the galactic alliance real**what galactic alliance ?, this is a psychological operation to believe that help will come from the outside, when all help is here already...
Is religion a man made concept to control us**Anything that makes you feel that you can not foster control over your personal self or learn to think for yourself, is man made, any person that calls themselves a guru or a master who seeds the believers to follow him is the one that takes away your ability for your first born right to learn to know who you are , and to create...
If Stargates exists to other planets why can't we use them.**We are, some dont know how to use them , and many of them were hijacked by the ministry of magick, naxzis took over sacred sites and infused their own magick into it to enforce a people to give up their right to exist in their own sacred land.
What security sequence is needed for us to pass through the gates**keying into the gate to pass through can only happen , once you have been able to pass through the first gate of the knowing of who you are sequence needed...but a way of knowledge...
Is it our DNA?**it is all of your embodiment , but DNA is the source code that forms electrical current from within the spirit...DNA is your sacred thumbprint to your unique you create is related to how you set intentions in place...
So there was a first creation. We were the second and now a third are pushed by them. Why are they pushing for a third creation?***third Creation is a must...has to supplant the first one , they losing their place, so pushing to collapse the second one...We and them are all pushing to create a third Creation, difference is, if they win , we lose our position and vice versa....
How do we differentiate from them and us ? "They " can be anyone who has lost the connection with their heart, so cold hearted, meaning there is no frequency or charge or electromagnetism between the soul and the spirit and the bridge...I also call them Familiars...A familiar is a being who is playing a role for the greater good...which is another false ideology. A familiar is a being who is essentially void with regards to their personality, they have a copied persona...they make up the role of an npc, or a non player character, just like in a video game...
Do they all know who they really are? *. Or only the orthodox ones with the bloodline.*Bloodline which is termed orthodox, the meaning of thr word orthodox , means of the right opinion...therefore what is the right opinion of a blood line you understand this ...?again if you are also referring to bloodlines and their sacredness, this is also coming from a belief system and was created in much material to create attention to "those who consider themselves as of the "right opinion"...what do you feel when you listen to the question ...?
You said we should not look at the Bible the same way again. I understand that. So where did it all go wrong. Wat is true and what not? **Truth is inherent in you , when you are in alignment with knowledge in a morally, cosmically and universally in tune state of consciousness, with regards to what you know as to be moral and what is not, that all energy in this reality is related to what you feel and what you instinctively create for yourself...individual creations along with millions of other creations in each human being Creates this reality...psychic, spiritual awareness is part of is not a mystery , it is a knowing and being .once you grasp this , you will see what is morally wrong and what is morally correct...and what is morally in are asking where it all went wrong...? who says its all gone wrong...when you must learn to step further back to observe it all for what it reveals to you....what is wrong is if there are acts that are morally in conflict to life...
With all the graves dug up with evidence we can assume there are other races? graves are daily rediscovered, if you are referring to archeological findings, it is always correct and safe to know that there have been and are at present many many other races in conglomeration with the human specie...
Maybe watchers? *the term watcher is loaded with many psychological operative elements, watchers are also related to the times of Noah or the belief called Noahide...which is related to its time and history as being who watch over ...therefore , again if there is said a group who watches over us , it would suggests that we are not in control of our own individual personal existence and creative process...what is around us and within us at all times, in your every living moment of existence is the Spirited consciousness of the Greater Spirit or God or Supreme form of Force...this is the infinite consciousness...
How were animals made. *animals were Created in the same way as the human specie, all are integrated with one another...every cell and form of life is related to everything else...therefore what you choose to eat in terms of meat or only irrelevant as all is related to each coherent laws to each other...all is energy...
Were they placed here by other races.**This is possible yes...
Should we believe in evolution and that we came from monkeys.**We must not belief in any theory bu be convinced that all information that we experience is a perception to what we need to learn from and to heal...The theory of Charles Darwin in relation to evolution is based on a materialism theory or philosophy...which means that there is simply nothing more about you other than that you live in this world, and that you will die without any consciousness..The philosophy of materialism is based on physicalism,and therefore also based on transhumanism or eugenics...if they are trying to create an automaton which will be like a human but does not have a soul or spirit, it means that they discard all things that are spiritual in nature...
If not why are we so similar and why do we find the same patterns in our self and in nature.
What are our purpose here. **It is not a question of being similar but a view of seeing that all is related to each other...relation to something does not mean equal or similar to it...
So the earth might be flat like the bible tell us.**The earth is spherical and in the universe that is oval shaped...all layers as previously explained is related to each other...multilayered cake has layers that are not free standing from each other...every layer is related to every other layer...
Friday, August 6, 2021
Sunday, July 11, 2021
The Spirit witnin Winds of War 4: Diabolical
Diabolical Snake Tongue Glamouring
Today, i will be discussing how the power of language influences the spirit and its Creation.....i will highlight how it is done...why is it important to be mindful how we speak and what we choose to see or to look at...
i will also cover how important these magicians value the power of
modern technology...and how all of the above said inter link with each have to apply Critical thinking and emotion, spiritual Intelligence to be mindful of the current practices....
Reference taken from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (first appearance)and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
[caption id="attachment_4187" align="alignnone" width="480"]
Harry first experienced conversation with snakes at age ten when he was taken to the zoo(zoo is the baser animal instincts of humanity) with his cousin Dudley Dursley and found himself communicating with a snake while in the reptile exhibit. (primal fear tapped in, modula oblongata).
"Hannah, he’s a Parselmouth. Everyone knows that’s the mark of a Dark Wizard. Have you ever heard of a decent one who could talk to snakes? They called Slytherin himself Serpent-tongue."-Ernest Macmillan regarding Parseltongue's infamous reputation[src].
Parseltongue was the language of serpents (as well as other magical serpentine creatures, like the Runespoor and Basilisk) and those who could converse with them. A wizard or witch who could speak Parseltongue was known as a Parselmouth. It was a very uncommon skill, and was known to be an almost exclusively hereditary trait.[1] Not counting Herpo the Foul, who predated him by several centuries,[2] nearly all known Parselmouths were descended from Salazar Slytherin,[1] with Harry Potter being a notable exception (although he gained his ability as a Parselmouth in an unorthodox manner).[3] sic*What does parsel mean?
A person naturally able to speak the fictional language of parseltongue in the Harry Potter universe.
The above said Quote highlights the principal of how Fear as a primal bases in a factitious language is used to propagate a frequency to become subjected to in a make believe universe...
in other words a false world...through language...
"Parsel tongue" reefers to the deliberate confusion of words to bring a deliberate conflict within the basic mind , primal root of understanding...
A Deliberate Conflict can also be seen as Hegelian...
How does language affect the Mind...?
Language is based on what is familiar to you....
Language can be used to communicate,we communicate in English because it is the most universal language spoken in the world, with Mandarin Chinese second, Hindi and lastly Spanish...
Light Travels through the optics, eyes and nerve delivering signals from the eyes to the visual at the back of the brain...
Through hypnosis....repeated extreme cases can derange the brain....hypnosis takes you to a state of memory related stasis...switching a person between timelines...past familiar and present adaptive familiar...during hypnosis the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex becomes less active, this part of the brain makes you normally hyper aware of your external environment...present time..
David Spiegel psychiatrist notes that highly hypnotize people are also more likely to lose themselves in a sunset or a movie. see reference link
How does language affect the mind via the spirit....or consciousness?
It is important to be mindful that we understand the basic principal of how creation functions....what happens when we listen or observe any what it is...We can determine that when we observe or listen , during our first observation, our optical nerves and auditory synapses becomes charged with frequency this creates stimulation....
This is where Critical thinking comes in
Recognize what you are looking at, recognize what you are feeling...first is also something that you should consider, i can remember music affecting me when i was a child...
Belief in a subjected reality is one step into becoming compliant to numerous forms of mind control, in any form...
The agenda is subjectivity...It is familiar to us as babies, when we were taught by our very parents or experiences in our innocence or impressionable age when a parent says or suggests, that one has to do something that is expected of it positive or negative...
from Intention to counter intention...intelligence to counter intelligence...through the Thought field projection....
Mass Media, hypnosis, hypnogogic state...through the waves of the brain or manipulation of thought field penetration...and projection....
Intelligence to Counter intelligence
same details apply....counter intelligence to distract you with certain information, psy ops..or psychological operations, military industrial technology through mind control....
This behavior has been going on for a long long time...
in the oldest books written , the older stories being told, the poets that spin yarns of how heroic their heroes were...slipping in a little over embellished ideology...
even statues were explicitly made to showcase the king or the heroes you see the little subtleties of little it conforms to the same dialectic imprint...
the ministry of Magick handle the special little groups, these little inner circles...all puppets, the more intrigued the elite power circles are the more they are being handled by the mystery of other words The Elite are handled by the Wizards...the outer circle...
the inner circle is the bulls eye....the target...
They use the Elite to draft the play the parts...we know this...becomes more obvious when we talk about it...right?
They seek the compliance...through technology...beliefs, banks...politics, society, social engineering...of beliefs...hypnosis...etc....
what do they want...?
for you to comply to their beliefs...
no you wont find this out , they wont try to make you see it, they want you to experience the subjectivity...then you can learn becoming subjected to learn about their comply to their belief systems...
we have seen it in a series (vikings)quite interesting....its more about the beliefs in their gods...rather then what political power they's a bonus if they have it though...The drive is for a new religion...a new belief.....
what happens when they have achieved your compliance...?
the energy shows that after there is a submittance to subjection...
You must not have an awareness of your spirit...if you do it means that you do not comply to what they want...
think about it ....
all of this bullshit in the news, the politics, drama,critical race theology...mystical Jesus...alien is the new space Jesus...psy ops...
all visible signs for us to see their plans...
the try to bamboozle you to override and lose touch with your spirit....which means, as i have said that the spirit is the key to the original blue print to who you are and where you come from....
they need others to sway you , to keep you swayed via Hegelian dialect...or Hegel;s philosophy...
what is Hegelian Dialect...?
manipulated into what is called the Hegelian Dialect...for those who do not know....please see the following diagram....
Quote: Hegelia is the philosophy of G. W. F. Hegel which can be summed up by the dictum that "the rational alone is real", which means that all reality is capable of being expressed in rational categories. His goal was to reduce reality to a more synthetic unity within the system of absolute idealism.)
First things first, to highlight what is the reality of the essence of Great Spirit , we recognize Great Spirit by way of how Creation is applied at any given is a conscious action within each and everyone one of us...whether we are aware of it , or not.....
We need to understand what is Creation and how does it work?
To understand how we are being controlled, we must understand in what way we are controlled....We have to understand and formulate that Creation , if its good or bad, happens in the same process....Understand how Creation works, and you will see how everything else works....We must understand that Creation is not evil or is a spirited process... there are many many creations
Creation is also within, the kingdom of God is within...not so....?
Inside of us...inside the Mind...enveloped with feelings and inner light or electromagnetic energy...
therefore Creation and its Spirit determines in what way we experience it...if it was done with a malevolent vain , than said creation can be a hellish one...or a heavenly one....
therefore because we are Organic Human and Individual in our Consciousness, we are inherently acceptance of our Origin as points of light or Frequency of a Greater Spirit...We are therefore Great Spirit in plural....because we choose to be so....
We apply Daily Creation internally within our minds and we apply this above said...functions, the following ways: In simple: Creation is based on 14 models...of mental or Mind applications.....more on this in my website...but for this body of work, we will address the more familiar model
Mens - Latin for Mind
animo describes the entire process....Creation in animo
In Thought, Mens
Internal Creation
0.Spirit produces light inside the mind or chamber...light is Thought,
1.Thought becomes fallen light, because light descends into manifestation later...this light is also the messenger, messenger mercurial Intention
2.Intention becomes light as it is explored.....
(a thousand points of light are a thousand points of ideas...thoughts...(note we have claimed this analogy back since it was stolen from us by some occult...remember they are not original...we are...they are copy artists...
3.Exploration and fertilization of thought as light of an idea or thinking,senses..multi sensory..sometimes explored through the eyes as the lenses or doorways for the absorption or osmosis of inspiration...enter a seed of light or thought...masculine and electrical, lightning.light in heavens
4.Thought becomes light frequency....amongst the many fractals, the right frequency is sought...
5. in comes the seed through water, amniotic fluid or fire on the lake, as a reference and settles into the womb of consciousness, Mind and soul processing this seed feminine and magnetic...
6.Mind and Soul gives birth to an light comes to earth..
7. the idea is a child being birthed, an expression....and action....electromagnetic energy....Five sensory,writing, reading, talking, singing, visual stimulation happens between levels 3 and 7..material realms of experiences...
now that we understand how Creation works, we now can understand that in the same principal, that the ministry of magick, i am dubbing them this .... are harnessing the knowledge of the elements of Creation .....except for a few differences , they use an altar, which is based on
Ministry of Magic believes Creation starts like this
Firstly they believe in Duality...We do not...We do not believe, we know we are whole...
We are individual in ourselves...we believe in individual rights to be free and whole within the self...therefore...we emulate Great Spirit as All, whole and in plural....
Individuality exists within the Consciousness of Great Spirit...metaphysically...individual is
1..We are Great Spirit as Great spirit is us...We believe that both masculine 1 and feminine 0 principals exists as one Androgynous element...which means all masculine and feminine principals are equal to each other, the vesica piscis...two circles overlapping each other form the center as the third eye, heart...the middle pillar...when two becomes 3...metaphysically speaking...
Ref for extra reading please see link Adolfo Rios-Pita Giurfa “The Hive”
Ministry of Magick believes that their Creation requires two pillars from the Kaballa system...
one Joachim and Boas...on the tracing board, "Joachim and boas represents the dualistic paganism, freemasonic symbolism is bastardized from ancient Jewish Solomonic theology -Jay Dyer"
The Tracing Board is used as similar as referenced here from Aleister Crowley :
"the altar represents the solid basis of the work, the fixed Will of the magicians and the lawunder which he works...the top is Kether
and the bottom is malkuth, this altar must embody the magicians knowledge of the laws of nature...
which are the laws through which he works
Two pillars Joachim and Boaz represent a doorway into the entrance to the divine or transcendental planes of the spirit worlds
Albert Pike referenced that the pope of freemasonry comments that the pillars reference gender, sexuality, relationships and nature and dualistic opposition..
They keep dividing us , we keep putting ourselves back...
Albert Pike also writes that Boaz means unity...and that
Joachim represents Binary.....
Above said columns explains in kabbalah and all the mysteries of the natural political and religion that the origin of women isn't man's creation (dont forget woman is also a reference for the soul...) in other words, you do not have a soul...and that the universal creation is the female first principal, a spin on gnosticism
when the principal of existence was made by the creator himself he (masculinized god)
he produced an emanation an idea a yod (jewish language)a point reversing the letters of the ineffable name of god...and dividing it becomes bisexual
as the word yod hey or yah is....As it discloses the meaning of much of the obscure language of kabbalah and it is the highest of which these columns Joachim and Boaz with a symbol in the image of the deity, we are told god created man male and female referencing to the woman coming out of the side of man
as they interpret this as Minerva , goddess female born in Armour....brain of zeus.....arming the word of creative word, either masculine as creative or feminine as in reception....
what is the mirror of Great Spirit...?could it be the demiurge?
To be born in Armour is to venerate that all words , remember the child is the expression of the intention in our creation....Armour is mechanical....therefore there is a hint of eugenics, artificial intelligence...etc.....and so by not accepting that they have a soul....they Abort and transplant into their material Creation...which is a technological substrate mechanical...material....
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Tuesday, June 15, 2021
Saturday, May 29, 2021
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
the Promethean Talks about : Kapitalizing Ouroboros
The ouroboros or uroboros (/ˌ(j)ʊərəˈbɒrəs/, also UK: /uːˈrɒbərɒs/,[2][3] US: /-oʊs/) is an ancient symbol depicting a serpent or dragon eating its own tail.
So we have two sides to the symbol.....The term derives from Ancient Greek οὐροβόρος,[5] from οὐρά oura 'tail' plus -βορός -boros '-eating'
Originating in ancient Egyptian iconography, the ouroboros entered western tradition via Greek magical tradition and was adopted as a symbol in Gnosticism and Hermeticism and most notably in alchemy.
interpretations in the cycles of life as the reference of the Birth that is coming now, but only as the Seal of the Eternal Kapitalisation of the Materialism Philosophy is dismantled
the video of this plan -
The ouroboros is often interpreted as a symbol for eternal cyclic renewal or a cycle of life, death, and rebirth. This is the surface interpretation...
however it seems that the deeper one investigates thi
The skin-sloughing/ or bunched up and shedding...symbolizes difficulty in the process of shedding skin of snakes an also the transmigration of souls, the snake biting its own tail is a fertility symbol in some religions.
The tail of the snake is a phallic symbol, the mouth is a yonic or womb-like symbol.
Metempsychosis (Greek: μετεμψύχωσις), in philosophy, refers to transmigration of the soul, especially its reincarnation after death. Generally, the term is derived from the context of ancient Greek philosophy, and has been recontextualised by modern philosophers such as Arthur Schopenhauer[2] and Kurt Gödel;[3] otherwise, the term "transmigration" is more appropriate. The word plays a prominent role in James Joyce's Ulysses and is also associated with Nietzsche.[4] Another term sometimes used synonymously is palingenesis.
the planet is essentially our foundation to work with .....meaning its global for this universal consciousness....
In the previous work , we understand that many of the archetypal deifications come from a long past...long time ago....and almost always borrowed or stolen from the original aspects of what it my mind , i would confirm that the Greeks seemed to have the most influence....and where there is a greek, there seems to be an unhappy the same depiction ....
We can place the same principal in motion......
such as the following....
The snake represents a head and a tail....a phallic and womb symbol....
These are representations that find themselves in our society in today...
the Masculine and Feminine principals....
The fundamental principals of the psyche of the human society...
this is to some degree polarization....
We have A set of two ideologies, that have been manipulated for a very long time....
which in actuality the Original principals or the universal Laws do come up....
if you dont understand who and what your soul have dignity, you wont understand how important is that you do have an influence over the world and its creation every day, daily we determine heaven and or hell....both are the same in oposition...which highlights duality...
This archetypal element is tied into the lunar cult...
Lunar Cults are represented by the season of the harvest or Money...Moon Money....Monetary....
While this was suggested that we are observing this , i was also shown that that must be delicately Dismantle the such....
We want to bring in once the snake is unhooked from its tail that we see a cornucopia...of many darker elements...of Magick in itself....
We also know that the script for the magick spelling is called neuro linguistic words being said to trigger and to trip you up neurologically....
Before i continue , I do want to bring to your attention that you must remember the Birth of the Mira sol Aeon...that we are entering in now....
for those who have not seen it , please find the link here
Now.....please walk with me.....
So the ouroboros represents time, eternity, and the circular energy that is 3 dimensional in its essence...
Saturday, March 6, 2021
The Promethean Talks about the Fall of Atlantis, An Inversion of Eden
The Fall of Atlantis....Remnants of a fallen Paradise....the Inversion of Sacred Consciousness....
quote:" The fact that the city which Lovecraft's "Great Old Ones" ruled over was Atlantis is quite clear, as the city, called "R'lyeh" in the story, is covered with what Lovecraft describes as "Cyclopean" architecture, the same word used by Ignatius Donnelly to describe the architecture of Atlantis.
Lovecraft's descriptions paint a picture of multi-dimensional, non-Euclidean angles, as if they existed in a space-time different than ours, perhaps in an "otherworld" somewhere in between the planes of heaven and earth. They are described as grand and mighty creatures, with a moral creed similar to that of Aleister Crowley's "Do What Thou Wilt", and they trounced on all those weaker than them, bringing destruction to the Earth, devouring every living thing. This is exactly the behavior that is ascribed to the sons of the Watchers, or Nephilim, the Giants who wrought havoc upon the World, oppressed and devoured all of the gods' living creation to feed their own voracious appetites. Because of the pride and destructive behavior of the Great Old Ones," quote from the Late Tracy Twyman
The Fall of Atlantis.....
Atlantis is the Archetypal Mythological Inversion of Eden....The Garden of Eden is the consciousness...all forms of said from the previous video on Catharsis...we are taking this one more step further.....
The Above said Quote is based on a Hierarchy the human society...sort of what we are looking at now...
How is the Dominance Hierarchy Related to the Gods of Atlantis,
The interesting thing about Atlantis , is in reference to the archetypal influence that so many have created through their Cristalized technology, beliefs made an external reality(this is by no means a knock on crystals as such..its not relevant to this terminology) crystalize....or an organic movement of fire made into reality, or a fiery message made manifested, break discuss...not one person is only beholden to that...all share the fire of thoughts, is to burn away old beliefs...not so?
But it must be understood that while it was made to understand that the realities that we live in is made up of a layered cake...icing in the middle as the primordial consciousness....we must also understand that there is a mirror to it all....
The Alice in wonderland references , through the looking other words...
We choose to decide if we want to be on the flip side of the mirror or not...
unlike some who are voyeuristic watching us from their upside down world...constantly deflecting what we watching our reactions when they push the envelop more and more....
The Con or the Flip side of belief is empowered by crystalizing beliefs to vibrate in a particular direction...
Their Reset is nothing more than a rebuilding of the Tower of Babylon....and we know that the Fall of Atlantis or the Antediluvian Flood...happens straight after that...
The flood, may not be as literal as it was once portraid....
because we know that Information can come to us as a Flood of insight....
sometimes it can hold so much power that it transfixes one,to believe that the christ was really a living breathing single hero that saved us all...that is the transfixed belief....
that something that is remarkeable can be abused and manipulated to become something idelic...iconic...idolators...
that it became a technology of belief.......think about it....
I am showing you the smoke and mirrors
What does it mean to Crist-alize ....what happens to water when it freezes....?
what happens to fire...when its frozen....?
Freezing the Christ or is it immortalizing a frozen state...
what is being implemented here is the Freezing over or Crystalizing of implemented by an old Hierarchy Dominance structure, The Great Tower of babel, Ka-babel...
Ka soul Babel...babble...of spells...musings...
the Kabal..the Malevolent forces, call them what you will, i wil call them mental i always do...the only differnce is, that what their aim is to capture your creative essence, and crystalize it in their technology...Nanotechnology, New Age Technology is New Order Technology, in theory......or Liquid Cristal Display...Always crystalizing what you percieve...captive audience....Capture through your light, your perceptions what you see and perceive...trying to trap you into their soap opera, their movie.....
always remember that you have a choice in what you what you see....
**My personal wonderment....i always wondered about the movie, The Matrix....?
well the movie is based on the reality though technology...not so?...parasites are bots..?
has any one of these characters done anything in an organic manner>? leave it there with you....think twice before you choose any pil....the red and the blue is held out by the same character....both are realites that a so called character named Morpheus, represents to you...and then ....glamorizing you...with his musings...hypnotizing you
Morpheus and the .
Morpheus *Morpheus, in Greco-Roman mythology, one of the sons of Hypnos (Somnus), the god of sleep. ... Morpheus sends human shapes (Greek morphai) of all kinds to the dreamer, while his brothers Phobetor (or Icelus) and Phantasus send the forms of animals and inanimate things, respectively."
I bring all of these his and herstorical remnants up ...for us to look at...please walk with me....
Atlantis represents Eden as an inversion, the Tower of babel is a reference to laws...their laws........
But ive seen it a few times...Atlantis will fall....its like building a house of sand...
They use the power of Transfixing your beliefs, into their technology...this technology, is like weaponizing what you see, what you feel...against you...
The Tower is Technology...Atlantis used that same technology...and like parasites incorporated it into the reality of what was sacred...
The same belief that Satan is a singular offensive entity...which if you recall from the video of Catharsis...represents is deified through beliefs until it has grown to become something so monstrous that it exists in its own merit...
I am not talking about Satanists.....
As far as i am concerned...all forms of anything that requires you to do what they want you to an inversion of your power...they dis empower you...
I am also not denying entities...or demonic things...such things exist because they are part of the realities that we can not perceive...
The weaponizing of beliefs become Nano Technology...Nano in itself means, small...means to dwarf your power...
because of the technology that they see as one goes through an internal cleansing....and when we are weeding out the garden....our gardens....the inversion of this garden means it is a false construct...that seemed to take president over what is original....
the more we are becoming aware of ourselves, our Laws that is Universal, the Laws of the recognition of who we are as a multitude of Many bodies of infinite consciousness...or Great Spirit...individual Consciousness....the more we are letting the false constructs collapse....the more we roll that scroll back up....
Atlantis was designed to fall....its main a mythological construct...was to demonstrate that time and time again , a part of humanity, such as those we have seen who give into the crystalizing technology, trans human gender less societies...etc, monochromatic...singular hive minded lunar magicians.......then that becomes a base for external existence...remember external reality is is every is alive...its purpose is for us to obverse to experience...but to never idolize...
One this
The Fall is when we have allowed our consciousness to be feasted on by others.....when our creative power was used against us....this video is followed by the Catharsis video....if yo have not watched int, please do so....
**“They feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your delights.”
(Psalm 36:8)**
The Organic Human Consciousness is also what i call the Garden of Eden...the garden of Delights, Eden,wonderful stuff that are delightful to create and to enjoy
from hebrew context Reference: "“And the LORD God planted a garden in Eden, in the east,(sun rises in the east, the sun of wisdom, or masculine energy...sunlight)
and there he put the man whom he had formed.(the Primordial Adama...or Adam, the first will of the mind is masculine...)
And out of the ground (earth or the ground on which seeds fall, the mental connection to responding...or universal law of correspondence)
the LORD God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food.
The tree of life was in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. A river flowed out of Eden to water the garden, and there it divided and became four rivers.” (
... , also referenced as little fire...
"The name Edan means Little Fire and is of Irish origin. Edan is a name that's been used primarily by parents who are considering baby names for boys. A form of Aidan"
So its masculine....masculine is the sacred reference to Creator.....the mind.....where consciousness exists is masculine....
in other words, Christ is also Fire...or Edan...or Eden....
the status structure influences how you feel about you...its not learned..its inherent to internal bases for the human origin....
The Back story of Atlantis.....
Atlantis was built and constructed as the foundation of the first expression of Edan...Eden...the paradise....
The primary expression of Atlantis was to test all fruit and to retain that which operates, corresponds to the thoughts and the mental state of consciousness...
What happened though?
The Frame of Importance shifted.....
What was held as importance of greater value was the reflection of the inner sanctuary...that which one feels one can identify with.....when this happened....more advancement took place....
The destruction of the Crystal technology...the using of the technology to improve , to potentially create a new reality...through mind altering the consciousness...the value of the original thought form was starting to fall away....more importance was placed on the relevance of what outside or external could do to sustain itself
technology...temples...gods....false galleries of wasted belief systems that were implicated to create a pseudo reality
there is more interest to get to the destination , the valued goal than the actually goal itself, in that respect the energy demands that you are constantly on the move...on the hunt...such as the orions have tried to indoctrinate people to believe that there is more value in the attainment of the hunt the attainment of the goal , then the focus on the outcome of it all.....
The San bushmen...from South Africa...a tribal group of individuals , have taught as the natural laws of the universe that all laws apply to the actual hunting down of the food source...everything was set in a space awareness.....
**Fall of Atlantis is a fall from Paradise....the falling is part of the indoctrinated, realities that make one feel...loss...due to not having to attained the awareness that
treating people like obstacles because people are naturally used to seek the journey to find the quickest best way to get to point B....
Primordial system suggests that we have lost the way to create in an organic human manner....
If you believe that you have been selected by a certain reality, then this reality will require that you apply the world as a tool....
or such as the Atlantians required the Sacred Crystal technology as a tool to acquire eternal health , beauty, life...
its the loss of this program that is making a person
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
The Promethean talks to Eve Lorgen
I would like to introduce a special guest Eve lLorgenorgen here on the Promethean, a lady who has survived and has helped many people overcome and heal metaphysical and emotional trauma, through numerous consultations, books and radio broadcasting the truth on Extra terrestrial, for the military abducted people, alien abduction.......
Eve Lorgen is an author, Researcher and Consultant on Anomalous Trauma....
author of The alien Love Bite, The Dark side of Cupid.....
Thank you for coming on the Promethean
In our discussion , we wil attempt to connect many dots on the current events that the planet and its human race is currently undergoing...or rather the revealing or the disclosure on much more deeper information...and how we are able to see that by shedding on these particular matters that we may be more aware of our own power to change and see it for what it is...
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Unplugged On Universal Laws And Thoughts
The universal laws
"seven Universal Laws or Principles by which everyone and everything in the Universe is governed. To name them, they are the Laws of Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect and Gender. The Universe exists in perfect harmony and order by virtue of these Laws. Ancient mystical, esoteric and secret teachings dating back more than 5,000 years from Ancient Egypt to Ancient Greece, all have as a common thread these seven Hermetic Laws of the Universe. Once you understand, apply and align yourself with these Universal Laws, you will experience transformation in every area of your life beyond what you have ever dared to imagine. The governing Laws seek neither to punish nor reward you. They are impersonal, operating automatically along unconscious lines without your conscious participation."
Journey from within the eye of the needle inward out...
A brush up on the Universal Laws and some of my thoughts, totally unplugged...:)
The Universal Laws an AID that is assisting us going forward
This gives more feedback on the deeper aspects of why the revocation is functioning, and how it is impacting the realities that we are converging in....
It also gives way to explain that the universal is based on the 7 personalities of Great Spirit, and why it is necessary for us to be mindful of the eternal Mind of Great Spirit....
We require Wisdom of live to not only be alive, but to live...
The universal laws is the backbone for the Law of your /our inalienable rights to exist, to live...
natural laws are our Rights, not our Privilege
Not for the Greater Good, but Always for the Individual Right to be free within oneself within the covenant that the Spirit and soul have made with Great Spirit to exist...
invoke your natural Law , to express your rights
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
The Biggest Sacrifice, and the Ritual of Resurrected Time
I can share with you how one can counter Archons, as I have said , these parasites are Mind Parasites, so the best way to fight them i...
Metahistory Root Races, Creations, deluges and hidden Orion Empire Disclaimer: The information on the Root Races and the philoso...