Tuesday, January 29, 2019
Dragon Speak -the Unbearable Beingnes of Light
Dragon Speak : Free Flowing of the unbearable Beingness of Light
We are a dream dreaming a dream...and this gives the dimensions of 3D...
but then the furhter interpretation follows with the other Dimensions that make out this Constructed world that we are partakers of...
The construct of this Verse or the uncreated Verse...a word that was made into liquid in its existence and that this world is like a snake...she is shedding her skin...or the shedding of the snake or Mother earth through us...Daily we shed our beliefs and replace them with new perceptions based on what we experience and what we feel...
The Oroboros or the snake swallowing its tail has a significance in this analogy, the swallowing of the tail or the story, shedding skin to adapt to the new story or tail...tale..
Humanity's existence comprises out of two choices, very rarely do they overlap, but it can be observed in passing over and being birthed into this verse.
the Wheel is in the middle, the wheel or carnival scene,
how many of you have had dreams about the carnival...?
I leave it as retorical question, because it will be explained some more , as we go along...
How we exit determines what we decided to agree upon when we came into birth.
this informaiton has been shared with me via ones who have passed over, i was given an account of their experiences...
We have to be aware that before we agree to any contracts or conditions that we as Unique Higher Conscious Beings
have two choices when we enter into this game/construct or Verse
1) We Choose to improve ourselves and 2) we can Choose to be Authentic
In choosing to improve ourselves we can override past life experiences, clean slate or memory wipe and to learn about service to others to over write old anchored behavioural patterns
The verse looks as if it has permeable walls or mebrane like the skin is lit up and you see a well lit pathway...
You have entered into this space, with linear references...
Life is like the flipside of a coin...up and sometimes down...No reference point, but ample opportunity to improve...
many choices to make...many lessons to explore...but the key is to learn from it, Remember your lesson to improve the Self...
All past contracts are frozen...not hidden, just frozen...
Please be mindful that there are no perks, no right or wrong experiences,
we are analyzing these choices as is...We analyze these choices because they affect us in our existence in this Verse(simply another dimension and from the Infinite Conscious Mind, where and when all thoughts become us...
more on this later.....
A frequency of Light is still visible or attained at the end of the life cycle of your existence...
aside from the overarching aspect of external interferences, you can still choose how you step out of this verse...literally...
Actions are forgiveable, as long as you have learnt from this and can practice self forgiveness
and you still have the opportunity to wake up. Waking up is also a perception, because we have always been awake, We try to reach the illusion of the unattainable...Do you percieve the impossible as mystical? or mysterious?
It is a perception to think this way...
2) then we can Choose to be Authentic,
There are no short cuts, no pathways lit up along the way. There are grey areas, light and dark avenues, lots of shadow work...to be reasoned to be probed to be understood...
THere will some patters which lean towards accomodating your thoughts, your lifestyle,
choices to strive to be more purified so to speak via authenticating the constant checking to see if you are on the "right" track
When a predessor leaves a very dishevelled, untidy damaged house and you have chosen to be authentic, you will literally enter that very same house as it was left...As is...
Choices and plans, pathways, skills and tools can be made and used to choose to either breakdown that house or to improve it, It is not the outcome of the house or the imrovement thereof, but the way you do it...even if you break it down, the universal law states , replace what is removed with an equal and or opposite energy...
The onus is on you, what have you done to be more authentic, to turn lead into gold, to become the Philospher's stone...
To be the stone...
Again there is a choice...
Life is up and down at the same time...depending on how you look at things...
things may not feel fair...but remember this question , do you feel worthy of improvement or to be authentic...?
there is no right or wrong choice , there is only what you have Choosen...
the enemy is the percieved notion of something or someone that goes against our choices , our harmony... Destroys our inner peace...
but to look closer, when each and every being is given a choice to experience the journey, there will be conflict and turmoil...
there are always choices to be made...what do we have to learn from one another...?
it is this lesson that clarifies our learning process to understand Authentication...
We know we are Great spirit in plural, many unique trees with many unique fruit,our deeds are recognized like the fruit of the tree...
we can establish that we may also be parts of the energy that goes against our own harmony...because we are questioning ourselves all the time.
Nature is the Higher force that breaks through and keeps improving herself, we Are the light and the fire that lights the sky to bring day , we are part of the Fauna and Flora of the internal and the external world...the internal, passive sacred feminine principal and the external active masculine principal...
we are the thoughts that became words, that become life giving and light emitting, because we are Spirit.
The Soul is part of the Mind and body and acts like a portal for our SPirit to fit into to operate the "avatar" ...
You can look again at previous videos that explain the falsification of the sophianic Artificial construct to clarify how AI is learning from our choices....
...In this we have establihsed that few people choose to be authentic because in giving a bigger scope of experiences...your life is much more complicated.
Fire is also refered and misinterpreted as Hell in old hierarchical contexts because to be Authentic is like being forged in a fiery metaphysical and sometimes physical manner...the purifier...Alchemical reference.
When you phyically exit your avatar when you pass on, you will observe on The right hand side, the womb like space or body of consciousness that allows you to tap into your authentic essence...in this womb like state you let go of certain variables, certain data streams as if you are being cleared and forged to be more true to Great Spirit or Philospher's stone "The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone. "
the words stone is the reference of being solid in your authentic Self...the metaphorical and reference to the verse, the house of god built with the living stones...
Releasing that which does not contribute to you, letting go of raw data...incoherent aspects and patterns that were merely parts of a greater construct to wrap you in...
the seed needs to germanate through its fibres or husks...layer by layer...
these layers have been accepted as perceptions and definitons of what you were seeking to use to define yourself to begin with...
In Raw form...unrefined and pure to your core, you are neither masculine nore feminine, you are both ...
To be light and Dark, to be creator and to be the earth to recieve the seed...all at once..you truly are one intelligent energy
You are an authentic thought stream, or light frequency, what became you, before you became you -be mindful to move away from the personality or vestiges of the constructed frequency or matter...the mind body soul identification...
You are the Ahh/ Haa sound of creation, a unique frequency to formulate Ah, the thought/HA the creation, the energy...
When Haa Sound becomes matter-the word matter is also motter,modder, mother,mud,man...etc
Ha -can also be reference as the 28th letter in arabic alphabeth
the letter H sounds like gutteral bach...
and is also known in arabic as the "ayn"
Ayn is also in reference to the word, Ayn Soph, or the "Ayn Sof, which means the Infinite Being, or simply, the Infinite. The names used in scripture and elsewhere merely refer to the various ways through which God manifests Himself in creation"
you as essence to your existence became true to your form...
and in many form, the essence of true thought became , i think, i speak, i write , i do...i seek the light, i see the light, i am the light...
Thought in form is also sound in form...
light in form is observed and becomes action...
action in observation , dragon
energy in motion formulates in its uniqueness through the various elements, air, fire, water, earth
you are Free form now...free in the thought field or Great Spirit....
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